Elder Kevin W. Pearson (Oct. '22): "Are You Still Willing?"

 First things first (and this might be a bit irreverent), but when they announced that Kevin Pearson would be speaking did anyone else think of someone much younger?  Just me?  Okay.  

On to more important things.  What a powerful talk.  As I was studying it, I felt like I should underline less because I was underlining so much.  I find more and more in this talk with each reading.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Point out the importance of being willing as outlined in the talk.
  3. Invite the class members to read over the talk and mark the parts of the text that specifically mention/deal with the principle of willingness.
  4. Ask the class members to form small groups and talk for about 5 minutes about what they learned about being willing from the talk and what they marked.
  5. Ask the groups to create a slogan for willingness that captures some aspect(s) of what Elder Pearson is teaching in this talk. 
  6. Allow the groups a few minutes to talk.
  7. When the groups are ready ask them each to share their slogan and what they were hoping to convey with it.
  8. Discuss the slogans as a class.

Using the Activity:

This activity makes use of many of the discussion strategies I have used and talked about elsewhere-- time to prepare for discussion, smaller discussion groups, etc.  However, the slogan is a new twist.  The idea of this is that in order to create something like a slogan, the class members will need to wrestle with the idea of willingness and what it can mean for them in their lives.  The slogans themselves are just a tool, the important part is the wrestle.  Time spent focused on any gospel principle opens us up more to inspiration and revelation from the Spirit, our ultimate goal.

Thank you for visiting my site.  I hope that you find this activity helpful.  


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