Elder Neil L. Andersen (Oct. '22): "Drawing Closer to the Savior"

 In every conference there are a number of themes that jump out to me-- messages, principles, and/or ideas that are found multiple times in the conference talks.  For me, this conference was no exception.  And this talk feels like the one talk that best encapsulates them all.  

The Activity:

  1. After discussing the talk in its entirety, read par. 11 ("As we know . . . at His feet.").  Talk about the idea of growth in our journey.
  2. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 people.
  3. Ask these groups to choose one of Elder Andersen's 3 ideas (Immerse Ourselves in the Life of Jesus, Make Covenants with the Lord, or Safeguard the Gift of the Holy Ghost). 
  4. Invite the groups to discuss how growth might occur in their chosen area or what changes might constitute growth in that area.
  5. After a few minutes of discussion, invite some people to share.
  6. Following the discussion of a few ideas, ask each class member to consider what their individual next step in one of these three areas would be (it could be the area their group focused on or a different idea).
  7. When they feel comfortable that they know what would be appropriate for them to do, ask them to make a note for themselves (on their phone or paper that you provide) and create a plan to follow through on their next step, e.g. an alarm on their phone, posting the paper where it can be seen, asking someone close to them to hold them accountable, etc.  

Using the Activity:

I feel like I am returning time and again to finding ways to encourage our class members to seek the inspiration of the Spirit on how exactly they should change their lives in light of the doctrines and principles shared in these talks.  Then, to record that inspiration and follow through on it.  I believe that this impetus comes from the Spirit in light of Pres. Nelson's words.  Prior to this conference, at the behest of my stake president, I re-read all of Pres. Nelson's talks since he became prophet.  At least twice in those talks-- and once in this conference-- (by my unofficial count) he counseled us to listen to the Spirit, record it, and act on it diligently.  If he's saying it that much, there must be a reason.  

In any case, I hope that this idea is useful to you as is or simply as a catalyst for a different activity.  God bless you.  


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