Elder Paul V. Johnson (Oct. '22): "Be Perfected in Him"

 The story of Elder Johnson's grandsons was touching.  And it was a powerful way to understand more about the atonement.  At the end of this talk, I was grateful for my Savior and my Father who make my exaltation a real possibility.

The Activity:

  1. Read par. 5 "A successful donor . . . of his life."
  2. Read par. 8 "Like the remarkable . . . creatures in Christ."
  3. Discuss the implications of the first quote-- the blood of both boys would be identical, indistinguishable even to our most sensitive instruments and tests.
  4. Now, discuss with the class how a true and perfect change of our hearts is similar.  (Spoiler:  our hearts would be identical to the Savior's and our Heavenly Parents.
  5. Discuss how having that kind of heart would change how we felt about things.  Trials? Our neighbors? Those we don't like?  Ourselves?

Using the Activity:

This activity is fairly straightforward, but all of the other things I kept trying to come up with were overly complicated or didn't feel right.  So, in the end I went with an activity that I think could lead to profound insights and understandings.  It might be obvious, but it is nonetheless powerful.  

As always, thank you for visiting my blog.  God bless you.  


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