Elder Rafael E. Pino (Oct. '22): "Let Doing Good Be Our Normal"

 In my professional life I spend a fair amount of time thinking about and dealing with issues of culture.  So, I found Elder Pino's first couple of stories really interesting.  Then, the way he ties the idea of culture (what is 'normal' to each of us) to the gospel is so much deeper and truer than his examples of food.  I thoroughly enjoyed this talk.

The Activity:

  1. Read par. 21 ("There are many . . . in our lives."
  2. Point out that Elder Pino provides two ways for us to judge what some of the other traditions might be.
  3. Read and discuss par. 11-13 ("If there is  . . . merely a commentary.") and par. 22 ("How can we . . . in good works.").
  4. Invite the class members to think of and share other prophetically provided ways to judge these things.  These could be from the scriptures or modern prophets.  For example, the discussion might include Mosiah 4:27 or Moroni 7: 12-13.  

Using the Activity:

I have been assigned to teach on this talk in a couple of months and I'm sure that I will spend time talking about the four things that Elder Pino recommends; however, I also know that there will be people in the quorum that need to implement other practices in their lives.  So, I want to make sure that we talk about how to judge what goes in to our lives-- especially in a time when Satan is being so successful at confusing many people, even good people.  

I pray that this activity idea is useful to you.  Please let me know how it goes or what I can do to be of more service.  


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