Elder Ronald A. Rasband (Oct. '22): "This Day"

 I am a bit biased but I love the Book of Mormon.  I was a young man preparing to serve a mission (rather lackadaisically) when Pres. Benson told us we should be studying the Book of Mormon each and every day.  I know it brings peace and steadiness to my life as I integrate it into my life.  Still, it can be a struggle to make studying the Book of Mormon a habit.  In that same talk, Pres. Benson urged us to flood the earth with the Book of Mormon.  It is still the best tool we have in introducing people to the restored gospel.  

The Activity:

  1. Discuss the blessings Elder Rasband identifies as coming from the Book of Mormon.  You might choose to read on of the passages as part of that discussion:
    1. Par. 4 "There was more . . . of Jesus Christ."
    2. Par. 9 "The truth of . . . cheer our souls."
    3. Par. 16 "They need the . . . Book of Mormon."
    4. Par. 19 "They need your . . . of great joy."
  2. Invite the class members to open their copies of the Book of Mormon to a scene/passage/verse that for them brings one or more of these blessings into their lives.
  3. Allow a few minutes for class members to find a part they want to share.
  4. Invite them to share their chosen passages with a small group near them (3-4 people).

Using the Activity

Our main goal as teachers should be to invite the Spirit into our classes.  Only the Spirit can teach anything of real value to our classes anyway.  One powerful way to invite the Spirit is by bearing testimony.  This activity is designed to allow everyone the opportunity to share a brief testimony-- even if we don't use that word in our instructions, as they share the passages of the Book of Mormon that most bless their lives, our class members are testifying that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God.  Also, the activity allows people do share these testimonies in non-threatening ways.  

I pray that this activity will be helpful as you teach your lesson.  May God bless you.  


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