Elder Ryan K. Olsen (Oct. '22): "The Answer is Jesus"

 I know I'm getting old for many reasons but one is that Elder Olsen looks like a member of the Aaronic priesthood to me (I know he technically is, but you know what I mean).  😁  Nevertheless, the message of this talk is so needed in our world.  I work with young people and this is what so many are looking for-- even our young adults in the Church.  I hope that this message helps many of them stay close to Him.

The Activity:

  1. Prior to class, collect several household items and bring them with you, e.g. a fork, broom, lighter, etc.
  2. Read par. 11 ("The answer to . . . found in Him).
  3. Divide the class members into small groups.
  4. Give each group one of the items you brought from home and ask them to discuss how remembering Elder Olsen's counsel is like the object they have been given.  Assure them there are no wrong answers. For example, if a group has a glass, they might say that remembering Jesus is the answer allows them to drink Living Waters or that it allows them to carry all of their responsibilities without spilling any.  (So, some of the answers might be a bit cheesy). 
  5. Allow the groups a few moments to converse.  If they get one idea, encourage them to come up with more ideas.
  6. After a bit of time, come back together as a class and ask the groups to share their ideas.

Using the Activity:'

This activity is designed to push the class members to think in new and different ways about Christ and His place in our lives.  Our brains are wired such that being pushed to see things in new ways often means that they are open to new ideas and promotes deeper, more attentive thinking-- the type of thinking that we might call pondering in other settings.  So, the hope is that this activity can clear the way for class members to receive revelation, confirmation, and/or comfort through the Spirit.

As always, thank you for visiting my site.  Please let me know how I'm doing.  


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