Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Oct. '22): "Legacy of Encouragement"
I really enjoyed this talk-- it was probably one of my favorites-- because it lays out a pattern for how to be a more Christ-like parent/minister/friend/neighbor/etc. I find it very easy to simply tell people (sometimes loudly) what they could do better; however, that doesn't seem to be the most Christ-like approach. Instead, we should be focused on encouraging others into living better.
The Activity:
- Provide writing materials to the class members or make sure they have access to their phones.
- Read par. 29 ("When you sit . . . them to emulate.").
- Discuss the various activities described by Pres. Eyring, e.g. sitting, inviting, encouraging, noticing, being.
- Point out that while Pres. Eyring mentions ministering, this is a pattern for all of our relationships in life-- parent, neighbor, friend, ward member, etc.
- Ask each class member to think of those in their lives that might need a helping hand on the covenant path, i.e. everyone
- Invite the silently ponder who they might most help by applying some part of Pres. Eyring's counsel and seek specific, individual revelation on what they can do to help them.
- Encourage them to write down their thoughts and then act on them (see Pres. Nelson "Focus on the Temple" par. 1).
Using the Activity:
As a teacher, silence can be scary. We want to fill up the room with talking; however, the Spirit communicates most often quietly and when we spend some time seeking that inspiration. So, this activity is designed to build in that type of environment for a few minutes. Exercise faith during this time (by allowing it to pass silently) that the class members and you will receive the revelation that you seek. It will happen. I have seen it time and again.
Thank you so much for visiting my website. Please feel free to drop me a note or share your thoughts on these ideas via the comments.
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