Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Oct. '22): "Legacy of Encouragement"

I really enjoyed this talk-- it was probably one of my favorites-- because it lays out a pattern for how to be a more Christ-like parent/minister/friend/neighbor/etc.  I find it very easy to simply tell people (sometimes loudly) what they could do better; however, that doesn't seem to be the most Christ-like approach.  Instead, we should be focused on encouraging others into living better.

The Activity:

  1. Provide writing materials to the class members or make sure they have access to their phones.
  2. Read par. 29 ("When you sit . . . them to emulate.").
  3. Discuss the various activities described by Pres. Eyring, e.g. sitting, inviting, encouraging, noticing, being.
  4. Point out that while Pres. Eyring mentions ministering, this is a pattern for all of our relationships in life-- parent, neighbor, friend, ward member, etc.
  5. Ask each class member to think of those in their lives that might need a helping hand on the covenant path, i.e. everyone
  6. Invite the silently ponder who they might most help by applying some part of Pres. Eyring's counsel and seek specific, individual revelation on what they can do to help them.
  7. Encourage them to write down their thoughts and then act on them (see Pres. Nelson "Focus on the Temple" par. 1).

Using the Activity:

As a teacher, silence can be scary.  We want to fill up the room with talking; however, the Spirit communicates most often quietly and when we spend some time seeking that inspiration.  So, this activity is designed to build in that type of environment for a few minutes.  Exercise faith during this time (by allowing it to pass silently) that the class members and you will receive the revelation that you seek.  It will happen.  I have seen it time and again.  

Thank you so much for visiting my website.  Please feel free to drop me a note or share your thoughts on these ideas via the comments.  



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