Sis. Michelle D. Craig (Oct. '22): "Wholehearted"

 One of the themes I noticed in this conference is that trials will happen, but it is in our trials that we find God.  Sis. Craig says this beautifully in this talk, when she says, "Trials do not mean the plan is failing; they are part of the plan meant to help [us] seek God."  Also, in this talk, Sis. Craig lays out a vision for the type of discipleship needed in the last days.  That is the focus of this activity.

The Activity:

  1. Explain that Sis. Craig is teaching us in this talk how to be better disciples.  Before giving us suggestions, though, she provides a vision of the type of disciples we should be.
  2. Read par. 7 ("Brothers and sisters . . . journey of discipleship."
  3. Ask the class members to call out some of the words from her description that catch their attention, e.g. dig deep, conviction, joyful, etc.
  4. Write these words down as they are called out.
  5. Invite the class members to identify one word that they would like to be a characteristic of their own personal discipleship.
  6. Invite them to share their chosen word with a neighbor and why they chose that particular word.
  7. Encourage them to think about the rest of Sis. Craig's talk (and the lesson, perhaps) through the lens of developing this trait.  How might her suggestions help them grow in this way?

Using the Activity:

Probably because of the English nerd in me I find that certain words are more powerful than others-- and those words change depending on several things.  So, for me, exploring and pondering specific words from the talks can help me find inspiration, comfort, direction, and understanding.  This talk is designed to focus on this experience.  Also, if done early in the lesson, this activity could ground the way the rest of the lesson is understood and applied.  One way to get much more out of a talk (or any text) is to go into it with a purpose.  So, having a purpose when talking about the counsel that Sis. Craig gives is a way to increase what we learn.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I pray that you find it helpful in your work. 


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