Elder Dale G. Renlund (Apr. '23): "Accessing God's Power through Covenants"
What a powerful talk. I found myself wanting to mark whole long passages from beginning to end. For me, this talk distilled and clarified a lot of teaching about covenants that we have been hearing over the last few years, since Pres. Nelson emphasized their role to us. The Activity: Write the following words on the board: exceptionally , represent , mature [verb], and incrementally . Discuss what each of these words means with the class-- at this point there is no need to connect them with specific parts of the talk or doctrinal points. Explain that each of these is a word that Elder Renlund uses to explain the role of covenants in our life and our obligations in regards to them. Divide the class into 4 groups and assign each group a passage (each passage uses one of the words above) to read and discuss: Par. 7 (exceptionally): "A covenant is . . . with the covenant Par. 9 (represent): "At baptism and . . . represent Him well." Par. 10 (...