Elder Quentin L. Cook (Apr. '23): "Safely Gathered Home"

 This entire talk was good, but I was especially moved by the second half.  It brought a lot of things to my mind-- things I have been pondering lately-- and made me want to be better.

The Activity:

  1. Read par. 31 "My specific prayer . . . our beloved prophet."
  2. Explain that you want to consider some of the "dramatic counsel" we have received-- from a number of sources.
  3. Divide the class into small groups (about 5 in each group).
  4. Ask each group to discuss some of the counsel that we have been given lately.  Start with par. 29 "An essential part . . . of Jesus Christ."
  5. Allow the groups some time to talk.
  6. After the groups have had time to discuss their thoughts, invite the class members to come back together and to take out their phones and open an app that allows them to write a note to themselves (obviously you could provide small notecards and something to write with, if you prefer).
  7. Read that last part of par. 28 "We also appreciate . . . be greatly expanded."
  8. Ask the class members to consider how they can expand their own efforts and to make a note of this in their phone.  Invite them to create an alarm or other notification to help them remember to put this into action in their lives.

Using the Activity:

I would envision using this activity towards the end of the lesson-- probably, in all honesty, as the final step in the lesson-- after there have been abundant opportunities to feel the Spirit and have a Spirit-driven desire to improve in their hearts.  This way the class would leave full of resolve to go forth and do (I Ne. 3:7).  Having said that, it might fit some place else for others.  

Ultimately, we want our lessons to lead to increased testimony of what we talk about and one of the best ways to gain/strengthen a testimony is to simply do what was counseled (John 7:17).  So, if we can help those in our class to actively do the things we ask them to, they will be more likely to experience the type of experience that leads to testimony and conversion.  Hence, this activity.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope that you found it helpful in some way.  Please let me know how it goes.  


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