Elder D. Todd Christofferson (Oct. '23): "The Sealing Power"

 For some this talk will make known some things they did not know, while for others it is a beautiful restatement of truths they already held dear.  In either case (or anywhere in between), Elder Christofferson shines a light on this topic in a way that make sit even more clear in significant ways.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Divide the class into 6 groups.
  3. Assign each group one of the following quotes:
    1. Par. 6 "The power to . . . of the veil."
    2. Par. 8 "In a teaching . . . the great Jehovah.'"
    3. Par. 9 "We tend to  . . . and in heaven."
    4. Par. 9 "Ultimately, all priesthood . . . holds those keys."
    5. Par. 11 "The validity that . . . love of God."
    6. Par. 12 "With access to . . . the divine order."
  4. Ask each group to read their quote and discuss the following questions:
    1. What did the learn form the quote (perhaps more than a single thing)?
    2. What are the implications for us of that truth?
    3. How does that truth demonstrate God's love, mercy, and justice?
  5. Give the groups a few minutes to discuss these questions.
  6. Now, ask the class members to find someone not in their first groups that they can share with.
  7. Once everyone has a partner, ask them to share their learning with each other.

Using the Activity:

This is an activity designed to help us all to focus more closely on the words of an apostle.  It is often easy to simply read over something quickly without considering the specifics of what is being said and what it means in our lives-- in other words, to feast on the word of God.  Then, by sharing with someone who considered a different passage from the same talk, the opportunity to enlarge learning and ponder these words in new ways is enhanced.  Also, by keeping this actual sharing to smaller groups (6 groups instead of say 2 groups and a single partner) makes it easier for all to participate in the conversations.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you find it helpful.  


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