Elder David A. Bednar (Oct. '23): "In the Path of Their Duty"

There is something simple and beautiful in this talk.  I often think of Elder Bednar as a master teacher of the scriptures and the less conspicuous parts of doctrine, and it might be easy to think of this talk as being substantially different than that.  However, as I have pondered and studied this talk, I believe that is a mistake.  At its core this talk is as "deep" and thoughtful as any other given by Elder Bednar.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or in print.
  2. Invite the class members to review the examples Elder Bednar provides of members who are "in the path of their duty" (par. 21-32).
  3. After a moment, read aloud par 33 "I have described . . . around the world."
  4. Ask the class members to consider other examples of people "in the path of their duty" that they have witnessed in the last few days to couple of weeks.  Invite them to especially consider the examples of those in the ward or branch.
  5. After a moment, invite the class members to share--without mentioning names-- some of those acts that came to mind.
  6. As class members share their recollections, take a moment to write these on the board.

About the Activity:

In designing this activity, I have in mind the call that we have heard in this and other conferences to be one.  This activity is created to help us think positively about those around us.  So much of the world and our own fallen natures tell us to remember and never forget the bad way a neighbor keeps their yard or the fact that they drive too fast down our street.  I hope that this activity will generate the opposite.  Without mentioning names means that for most items recorded no one will know if they are the specific people being mentioned (at times it will be obvious).  This will help more people to feel better about what is being said.  Plus, sometimes we just need to feel like our efforts are noticed and recognized.  This way they can be.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope that you enjoy it and find it useful to you.   


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