Elder Ronald A. Rasband (Oct. '23): "How Great Will Be Your Joy"

 I imagine that this is not a talk that will be commonly chosen to be taught in most wards; however, the doctrine in it is true, and the message is important.  My own parents served a mission years ago in the St. Louis temple and it was a highlight for them.  This was especially true for my dad who was a convert, being baptized in his 50's.  It is also a goal that my wife and I have.  In fact, when we got married she made me promise that we would serve a mission together since she was not able to because we got married.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that every class member has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Divide the board in half.  Label one side "Bring" and the other side "Take"
  3. Explain to the class that when a senior couple goes on a mission they bring many things with them (e.g. wisdom, experience, testimony) into the mission field and then they take from their mission many things (e.g. experiences, friendships, etc.).
  4. Ask the class members to skim through Elder Rasband's talk to identify some of those things that he identifies that senior couples both bring on and take from their missions.
  5. After giving the class members a moment to find some of these things, ask them to share what they found.
  6. As class members share what they found, record each item under the appropriate heading on the board.  

Using the Activity:

There are some easy alterations to this lesson that could make it more accessible for particular classes.  For example, you might consider having the class members share with a partner for a moment before opening it up for whole class sharing.  You may also choose to alter the labels used on the board to better fit how you read this message.  You might also choose to include more students by asking some of those who have served as senior missionaries to share their experiences/testimonies.  

The activity itself is designed to help people see two things-- why they would be especially important in mission work (which we often think of as a young person thing) and what blessing they would receive from serving.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I pray that you find this helpful.


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