Bro. Jan E. Newman (Oct. '23): "Preserving the Voice of the Covenant People in the Rising Generation"

 I find this talk both challenging and comforting.  As an almost empty-nester this talk pushed me to consider how I'm doing now as I transition in my role as a father and add the role of grandpa to the mix (I have two of the greatest little grandsons the world has ever seen :) ).  I think that is an important note when teaching this talk.  While the responsibility might take a slightly different form, the message of this talk extends beyond parents-- though they are the focus of the talk-- to include extended family members, ministers, sunday school teachers, etc.  In other words, every person can find themselves in this talk.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that every class member has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Explain that while this talk is focused primarily on the role of parents, the responsibility of helping the rising generation to develop faith in Christ is one that we all share.
  3. Around the room post 5 posters, labeled "Parents," "Church teachers," "Extended Family," "Ministers," and "Neighbors."  You can add to/delete from/ change this list as best serves your particular class.
  4. Provide post-it notes and something to write with to each class member.
  5. Ask the class members to consider the various roles posted around the room and how each one might apply the doctrines and principles outlined by Bro. Newman in his talk.
  6. Invite them to write their ideas-- on per post-it note-- on their post-its and then to attach them to the corresponding poster.
  7. Give the class members some time to write and post several things.
  8. Divide the class into five groups and give each group one of the posters with the attached post-it notes.
  9. Ask the groups to discuss the ideas found on their poster and to add any more they can think of.
  10. After a few minutes, come back together as a class and ask each group to share what they talked about.

Using the Activity:

Remember that you can personalize this to your class members' needs.  So, play with the number of posters and the headings on them.  There will be more on some posters than others, but we want to make sure that this activity opens the talk up to all of our class members and not simply those who are or will be parents in this life.  Also, note, this could be a longer activity than most I share.  So, feel free to alter it as well to better fit your pacing and timing needs.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Please leave a note letting me know how it goes.  


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