Elder J. Kimo Esplin (Oct. '23): "The Savior's Healing Power upon the Isles of the Sea"

 What an inspiring story of the sister from Okinawa.  She is a giant.  In practical terms for this blog, this is a talk that I do not see being chosen often to be taught (although we would do well to remember this sister's story).  Not that it is not a great talk, but it would be more difficult to create a lesson for this talk alone.  The activity I share here is focused on the last 20% or so of the talk.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that every class member has something to write with and write on.
  2. Read par. 25 "Through temple blessings . . . in his wings."
  3. Ask the class members to share any experiences they are comfortable sharing where they have been 'healed' through the power of the temple and temple covenants.
  4. Wait a moment for people to share.  This may take a moment and be a wee bit uncomfortable but this time will be important-- even if no one shares.
  5. Invite the class members to take a few minutes and either A) record an experience from their own life where they were healed through the temple and its covenants or B) write about an issue they are struggling with that they need help to overcome.  In the second case, write about what it would look and feel like to be healed from this thing and what they can do to access this healing.
  6. Allow the class members ample time to write (probably 5-7 minutes).
  7. Invite class members to share anything appropriate they would like from what they wrote.

Using the Activity:

This is an activity that again requires some comfort with silence.  Any time we ask a good question-- one that invites real introspection and/or thought-- answers will not come quickly.  So, be okay with it.  You may also need to think about ways to vary this a little bit as not everyone likes to write or can write easily for longer times.  Take that into account as you decide to use this activity.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  


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