Elder Joni L. Koch (Oct. '23): "Humble to Accept and Follow"

 What a brilliant talk.  I know there are many threats to our spiritual lives in these latter days; however, I think we sometimes forget to consider the ideas and values of the world that are disguised to look good even to the elect.  I think the threat to Christ-like humility falls into this category.  Today's world tells people that their value comes from areas other than their divine birthright.  As a result, people are basing the foundation of their sense of self in things that are not able to carry that weight.  The outcome of this looks either like a lack of self-worth or an inflated sense of self.  In neither case, though, is Christ-like humility present.  This talk is a great reminder of what humility truly is and how being humble strengthens us.  

The Activity:

  1. Read par. 18 "During this conference . . . these chosen leaders."
  2. Review the bulleted list in Elder Koch's talk-- inviting the class members to consider how well they are doing with each of these items (par. 13-16).
  3. Talk frankly about how it is difficult to do many of the things that we have been counseled to do.
  4. Divide the class into groups of 3-5 people.
  5. Read par. 19-20 "Above all, in . . . through His Atonement."
  6. Invite the groups to discuss how a person goes about drawing on Christ's power to make changes in themselves and why humility is important in the process.
  7. Provide the groups a few minutes to talk.
  8. Come back together as a class and have the groups share what they discussed.

Using the Activity:

I believe that when most of us realize we are not doing well in those things from the list (e.g. using the full name of the Church) it is most often because we have deeply ingrained habits that we need to break-- and that is hard.  So, a lack of humility comes in not drawing on the Savior's power more than helping us to overcome some degree of outright rebellion against the counsel of Pres. Nelson.  That is what this activity should help the class members discuss.  

I hope that this activity is useful as is or sparks a different idea for you to use in your teaching.  God bless.  


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