Elder Robert M. Daines (Oct. '23): "Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus"

 A friend of mine brought up this talk when asked about his biggest takeaway from conference.  This intrigued me.  I remembered this talk-- vaguely-- but couldn't say it was that great.  Then, I read it.  As often happens to me, this changed how I saw the talk.  This is a talk that directly addresses-- and does so masterfully-- a recurring theme from conference.  Developing a deep relationship with Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

The Activity:

  1. Ask the class members to consider the two types of relationships described in the following passage.
  2. Read par. 9-12 "I tell you . . . my Heavenly Father."
  3. Draw a line down the middle of the white/chalk board.  On one side write "face blind" and on the other write "seeing clearly."
  4. Discuss with the class the two types of relationships outlined in the quote, recording their comments under the appropriate heading.  During this discussion, you may want to ask questions such as the following:
    1. How does having each type of relationship with Heavenly Father impact us during trials?  disappointments/ setbacks?
    2. How do you feel when you have each type of relationship?
    3. What happens to your self-esteem when you see Father clearly?
    4. etc.

Using the Activity:

Of course, this activity could easily be reconfigured to take place in small groups or even partners.  I chose not to this time simply because this could be a potentially personal conversation as class members begin to ponder the types of relationships they have with Father and in what ways they might improve their relationship.  That does not mean one way is right and the other wrong-- that was simply my reasoning here.  I believe that this talk has the potential-- when the Spirit is there-- to be an intensely personal experience.  That could also be perfect for a smaller group to be part of. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  God bless.


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