Elder Yoon Hwan Choi (Oct. '23): "Do You Want to Be Happy?"

 This is one of those talks that seems to encapsulate a number of themes from a conference and tie them together.  There are always a couple of these.  Elder Choi's focus on the covenant path is-- based on my reading of the conference talks this time-- needed by all of us as it is found a number of times in the talks.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that every class member has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Give each class member 2 post-it notes and something to write with.
  3. Invite the class members to skim the section of the talk entitled "Are You on the Covenant Path?" and then write on one of their post-it notes a few words that convey something Elder Choi teaches in this section.
  4. Repeat this procedure with the section of the talk entitled "How Can Keeping Covenants with God Make You Happy?"
  5. Draw a line down the middle of the white/chalk board and label each side with one of the titles of the sections.
  6. When the class members are done writing down their thoughts ask them to come up and put their notes one board under the appropriate heading. 
  7. As the teacher, skim over the board and choose some of the notes to share and use them to lead a discussion.

Using the Activity:

Depending on the size of the class, you could divide them into groups (or if you are small enough just do what follows next as a whole class) and invite them to compile their notes in their groups only.  You will obviously need a different way to collect the notes.  Then, ask them to read the notes and try to identify patterns of concern/insight/confirmation among the notes on the board.  This will talk more time obviously, but it may be more beneficial depending on your class members.

I appreciate you coming to visit my blog and I pray that you have found it helpful in your efforts to teach with power and authority.  May God bless you for your time.  


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