
Showing posts from April, 2022

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Apr. '22): "Fear Not: Believe Only!"

 Listening to this, the last part of this talk stood out to me, the part about suicide.  This is probably because of the work I do.  As I returned to study this talk, though, I was surprised by how much more was here.  I pray that the activity below captures some part of Elder Holland's overall message. The Activity: Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.  Also, make sure that everyone has something to write on and with. Read par. 8 of the talk "My plea today . . . every good gift." Ask the class members to take a moment to review the bounty of their lives and consider the specific blessings that they have. After a few moment, invite them to write down their blessings.  Allow them a few minutes to do this. After a bit of time, ask the class members to skim the talk and add to their lists any/all of the things Elder Holland says we should be grateful for, e.g. We have a loving Heavenly Father who will never f...

Elder Neil L. Andersen (Apr. '22): "Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker"

 Our world today seems to celebrate shouting and contention-- drama, it is called.  As Satan wields more influence in the world, contention, the fruit of following him, will become the norm.  We, as followers of Christ, must become the outliers, the light on the hill, by being peacemakers. The Activity: Make sure everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically. Divide the class members into 5 groups. Give each group one of the following quotes: Par. 9 "How does a . . . anger or malice." Par. 13 "As Jesus taught . . . be our enemies." Par. 14 "Peacemakers are not . . . the Savior's Way." Par. 34 "There are times . . . dignity, remain quiet." Par. 43 "Then, we read . . . Apostles about love." Ask the groups to read and discuss their quote.  They might address/consider the following ideas in their discussions: Times in Christ's life where he exemplified the practice described. Other times in scripture and/o...

Elder David A. Bednar (Apr. '22): "But We Heeded Them Not"

In every conference there are a couple of talks that just seem to be fertile soil-- regardless of the amount of time I spend with them there is always more to get out of them.   This feels like one of those talks.  So, I could focus on any number of things profitably, but I chose to focus on one of the things that seems to be at the heart of this message-- personal conversion.   The Activity: Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically. Explain that during the lesson today, you believe that each one of them will receive some inspiration from the Spirit as to how to apply what you are going to talk about in this activity.  Ask them to make note of it. Explain to the class members that you are going to read a series of quotes from the talk.  Their job is to listen and identify the word(s) that all of these quotes have in common. Read the following quotes (the common word we are looking for is 'personal'): Par....

Pres. M. Russell Ballard (Apr. '22): "Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever"

 Missionary service was a theme of this conference.  After a call from Pres. Nelson, Pres. Ballard started the conference off with this stirring talk about the influence his own mission had on his life and the effect it can have on anyone's life who serves.  This activity is designed to help us all consider the blessings that come from serving the Lord in this way and by considering how we might help others to realize these same blessings.   The Activity: Divide the class into small groups (3-5 people in each one) Read the following quotes aloud (or provide them to each group to read in their groups): Par. 8 "My mission prepared . . . in His Church." Par. 10 "The Lord knows . . . rely on you." Par. 11-12 "I testify that . . . life of service" Ask the class members to discuss in their groups when they have seen these blessings in their lives or the lives of their family and friends. After a few minutes, come back together and discuss what was shared as ...

Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Apr. '22): "Steady in the Storm"

 It feels like we are hearing a growing drumbeat in conference about our need to prepare for the coming trials by grounding ourselves in and on the rock of our Savior, Jesus Christ (Hel. 5:12).  This talk is a magnificent example of that. The Activity: Draw a stick figure person on each side of the board, directly opposite each other.  These pics represent the natural person on one side and the person born of God on the other.  Between the two figures draw an arrow representing the change in nature we are called upon to have.  Make sure that every class member has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.  Read Mos. 3:19 and point out that is what the drawing on the board represents. Explain that in this talk, Pres. Eyring gives us several ways to help us transform from the natural person into a person born again and built upon the rock of our Savior. Ask the class members to silently skim the talk and identify some of the ways Pres. Eyri...

Pres. Dallin H. Oaks (Apr. '22): "Divine Love in the Father's Plan"

 Pres. Oaks says that the purpose of his talk is "to clarify how God's love explains the doctrines and the Church's inspired policies" (Par. 2).  This activity starts with that premise and then broadens into a realm more closely tied to other prominent themes in this conference-- namely, contention and love.   The Activity: Read par. 6 "To help us . . . its highest degree." Ask the class members to identify 3 or 4 doctrines/commandments that prepare us for exaltation.  Write these on the board. Discuss how knowledge of and/or obedience to each of these helps us to develop the godly attributes and the change in nature necessary to realize our divine potential" (Par. 6). Read par. 20 "The restored Church's . . . to that plan." Talk about how the items listed on the board differ from the world's perspective. Read par. 22 "In many relationships . . . as we do" & "We must seek . . . of all men.'" Discuss how to r...

Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Apr. '22): The Power of Spiritual Momentum"

 I suppose it is no surprise, but this talk was, for me, a highlight of the conference.  I think a lot about prophetic priorities and what they are, but after listening to this talk, there really should be no doubt as to what those are for us the next 6 months.  While this activity does not directly bear on this, I appreciated the discussion about peace in hearts at the beginning of the talk and taking control of what we can-- ourselves and our own actions. The Activity: Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk Give everyone a slip of paper and something to write with On the board list the five actions that Pres. Nelson recommended to us. Ask the class members to skim through the parts of the talk under each of the five actions Pres. Nelson mentions and choose one phrase from that part of the talk. Ask the class members to write down the passage on their slip of paper and collect those when the class members are finished. Put these slips of paper in a bag ...