Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Apr. '22): "Fear Not: Believe Only!"
Listening to this, the last part of this talk stood out to me, the part about suicide. This is probably because of the work I do. As I returned to study this talk, though, I was surprised by how much more was here. I pray that the activity below captures some part of Elder Holland's overall message. The Activity: Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically. Also, make sure that everyone has something to write on and with. Read par. 8 of the talk "My plea today . . . every good gift." Ask the class members to take a moment to review the bounty of their lives and consider the specific blessings that they have. After a few moment, invite them to write down their blessings. Allow them a few minutes to do this. After a bit of time, ask the class members to skim the talk and add to their lists any/all of the things Elder Holland says we should be grateful for, e.g. We have a loving Heavenly Father who will never f...