Sis. Sharon Eubank (Oct. '21): "I Pray He'll Use Us"
One of two talks from this conference that highlight the impressive humanitarian work done by the Church. I especially liked Sis. Eubank's talk because of the focus on the personal impacts these efforts have made for so many people throughout the world. These stories are powerful reminders not only of what the Church as a whole can do, but also of what we can do through our own small efforts. Hence, this activity. The Activity: Read par. 27-28 "Speaking of the . . . I; send me.'" Point out that 1) there is much work to do and 2) there is great need close to where we each live. Talk about what these two point make class members feel and think about. Read par. 5-12 (bulleted list) "The Church responds . . . with service opportunities." Discuss how these activities carried out locally can impact the lives of those in need and help us to fulfill the Church's mandate to care for the poor (par. 4). After a few moments, ask class members to consider how t...